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Race Briefing

First things first…Before reading this, grab yourself a coffee, it’s LONG!!!! 😊😊😊

Thank you so much for entering the Harvard House Go Gravel Midlands MTB race this Saturday! Devlin and I so appreciate your support of our event(s) and we cannot express how awesome it is seeing so many familiar names popping up on our entry lists. THANK YOU SO MUCH x

On behalf of our title sponsor, Harvard House, and Devlin and myself (Katie), we cannot wait to welcome you to the awesome Karkloof and Midlands area. We really hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful weekend whilst riding our race.

Below is a HEAP of information for this weekend. Please go through it carefully as ALL the info is here!

Friday 3pm – 6pm & Saturday 6:30 – 7:30am @ the Absa Karkloof Country Club.
You don’t need to bring anything and you are welcome to pick up your friends race boards and goodie bags. The race boards have timing chips on them. Any changes to your entry can be done at registration.
If you decide not to ride – PLEASE return your race board to the club.
Late registration will be available for your friends who might have missed the boat during these times.

Friday Braai
This will start from 5:30/6pm. Please collect your Braai voucher band at late registration table.

Race Start Times
7:30am – 100km MTB and Gravel riders start in 1 batch.
5 minutes thereafter the 100km e-bikes leave
8:00am – 50km MTB and Gravel riders start in 1 batch.
5 minutes thereafter the 50km e-bikes leave
Start times are “gun start”… ie the time starts with the gun, not when you cross the start line.

Above this text are both the 100km and 50km GPS routes.
All junctions will be marked. However there will not be marking for the sake of marking… only at any junctions/turns. There are some splits in the route, so please ensure you follow your correct 50 or 100km signs, which will be explained at briefing!
There will be NO road closures. You will be using main roads as well as farm roads. PLEASE ensure you use normal road safety and be aware of cars, tractors, animals and people whilst riding. We are very lucky to ride these routes so please respect the people and areas you ride through.

***PLEASE if you see any CAUTION signs, we strongly suggest you abide by these. We don’t put them out there for fun! I MEAN THIS!!!!

If you are lost, pls call Devlin 0837993003.
IF you pull out at any stage during the race, please sms/whatsapp Katie and let me know please. And please ensure you drop your board at Club please.

No Smoking
Smoking is strictly forbidden out on the route. We are in peak fire season and even a small cigarette butt can cause massive damage.

Water Tables
100km route – 4 tables will keep you fed and hydrated. Tables are at the following distances: 25, 40, 60 and 82kms
50km route – 2 tables will keep you fed and hydrated. Tables are at 26km and 41kms.
Tables will have items such as – water, coke, bananas/oranges, potatoes, eggs and some sweet goodies.

Absolutely NO seconders are allowed out on the route. Any rider whose seconder is out on the route will be DQ’d.
100km riders can be met by their seconders at the Karkloof Country club when they come back past it at about 33kms.

100km Drop Point
Riders are welcome to drop off any “warm attire” at Water table 1. Ziplocs and markers will be provided and the table guys will return your items to the club. Pls note the race organisers and table hosts will not be responsible for any missing items.

Emergency / Medics
There will be ambulances out on the route as well as a medical tent at the Country Club.
In case of an emergency please call: 0741497911 (put it in your phone now)

Prize Giving
Prize giving will take place at 12:30.
100km prizes as below:
Top 3 MTB males and females
Top 3 Gravel males and female
E-bike winners only (male and female)
50km Prizes as below:
Top 3 MTB & Gravel (combined) males and females
E-Bike winners only (male and female)

Catering at The Club & Facilities
No food or drink is allowed to be brought onto the clubs premises. Please respect their rules.
The Country Club will do its own catering (burgers, salads, breakfasts, toasted zarms) and LOVE Howick will be raising funds for their amazing organization by selling Wors rolls. There will also be delicious Taco’s for sale. Plus obviously coffees, beers and cooldrinks.
The Club has showers which you are welcome to use.

Normal CSA rules apply – no earhones etc etc.
Pls see all rules which need to be adhered to over the course of the weekend.

Sponsor THANKS
A race like this is not possible without the many hands who help make it possible.
Our huge thanks go to Harvard House who came on board with us when this event first started last year. What an amazing team to work with, who are so willing to jump all in and help. Their passion for what they do and for their community around them is amazing and we feel blessed to be partnering with them. They help in so many aspects not just by supporting our entire event, but also suppling the goodie bags, hosting a water table and and and…..Thank you SO much Harvard House.

To our other local organisations for hands - on help and going the extra mile:
LOVE HOWICK – this organisation is all about uplifting people as well as the community we live in. From training/developing & equipping people with new skills to be more employable, to taking care of our village and its parks, street corners, and to helping those in need…. This is just a summary! Love Howick very kindly will be hosting one of the water tables to raise funds for their project, members will be assisting as marshals and handing out medals. And they will also be selling Wors rolls. Thank you LOVE HOWICK for all that you do.
Karkloof Canopy Tours – for your amazing 2 vouchers you donated to the July draw. For those looking for some more fun and excitement be sure to book your Canopy tour this weekend!
The Treatery at Yard 41- for your 10% off voucher our pre entered riders will receive as well as the R250 voucher to the July lucky draw. This is a great place to grab a breakfast, coffee or lunch, so be sure to visit them this weekend.
Tipping Point Coaching – to David Low who always is so willing to assist us, thank you for your amazing donation of a month’s free training to 5 lucky riders. This is a serious win! Thank you David!
Honorary Officers – to the amazing Honorary Officers who are volunteering their Saturday to come and host a water table. They do so much good with very little thanks. THANK YOU for stepping up and helping us this weekend.
And to our awesome product sponsors:
REVIVE – Revive came on board earlier this year for Berg 100 and have become firm partners with our events. Their brand is amazing and we are thrilled you all get to have a sachet sample in your goodie bag. Be sure to visit their Revive Hydration table at the club where you can sample their different flavours! Plus be at prize giving to stand a chance to win some of their awesome prizes
Squirt – thank you for your amazing lucy draw prizes as well as the much needed chain lube that will be at every water table! Thank you for always stepping in.
Ass Magic – to keep your bum happy!!!! We know our riders will be thrilled with their anti chafe sachet in their goodie bag – thank you 😊
Leatt – Leatt has recently come on board and will be giving us 2 amazing LEAT racing shirts to be handed out at the lucky draw at prize giving….. woo woo. THANK YOU 😊

Some wise words from our Title Sponsor Harvard House -
The day is so nearly here, in fact it is this week. We plan ahead for things and inevitably they arrive faster than we think. We trust you will have an enjoyable ride with us on the 10th and enjoy the wonderful surroundings we choose to call home.
Now that something you had planned a while back comes to pass, can we encourage you to consider another plan? Your future wealth plan. You will receive a voucher in your registration pack that, at the very least, will help you assess where you are financially. Don’t think it’s too soon to start or too late to do anything. The only time to begin is NOW! Give us a call, use your discount, and at least know where you are on the route, see us as your financial Garmin!
Happy riding.

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